Sunday, September 11, 2011

Never Underestimate the Destructive Power of Stupid People.

I never quite figured out how to start my blog but perhaps its only fitting that I start off on September 11th...This blog is never meant to offend anyone but if it does, oh well, grow a set! I am a New Yorker and I shoot straight from the hip, sarcasm and all,  no sugar coating, no politically correct mumbo jumbo, cause guess what when your from ny, there is no politically correct, there is real! So lets be real...

The fact is I am muslim, an ex catholic italian from brooklyn now living in Denver..and nothing ceases to amaze me more than the utter stupidity that exists in these parts...mayberry doesnt even come close!

A time of year I dread, whether it be ten years later or twenty years later September 11th will forever be implanted in my mind body and soul. As a witness to the event, it is forever ingrained in my soul, as a New Yorker it is part of my soul. I have written about my experience only once so that I may show others how to live!  You can read that blog post HERE! I live and breathe NY wherever I go and so on this day spent miles from home in the great mile high city...stupidity never ceases to amaze me....

Top Five Things You Should Not Say to A Muslim on September 11th
(Sadly all have been said to me today while walking on 16th street mall)

1. Do you throw a big party on September 11th?
2. Dont you feel bad about what "your people" did?
3. How could you come out of your house today looking like that, cant you just respect America today and stay inside?
4. Do you think that all those people died in NY because they were evil?
5. You should really take that thing off your head its offending people today....

There is a reason my blog has the title it has...

Challenge yourself today to be smarter than stupid!
The fact is people died, people mourned, and people came together like people do! Muslims died... and guess what... islam didnt kill them, people did!

So the the morons on 16th st today:

To all who were injured or murdered on that day, to the families of the same, to the brave men and women who risked their own lives so as to attempt to rescue others and to the majority of Muslims thorughout the world who are not extremist and who had no part in the acts of those terrorist who commited the crimes of that day.

You owe us all and apology and, you owe yourself an education.

May you be rightly guided to the truth, beauty and wisdom that is Islam.

ma'a salaam